This grant ended November 30, 2017.
- April 18, 2017: Marianne Bitler: “Long Run Effects of Food Assistance and Early Human Capital Programs”
- May 2, 2017: Maya Rossin-Slater: “What is the Added Value of Preschool? Long-Term Impacts and Interactions with a Health Intervention” Her talk can be viewed on page “Presentations”.
- January 8-9, 2016: 5th Annual Advisory Board Meeting in Laguna Beach, CA
- January 25, 2016: Adam Gamoran: ”The Future of Educational Inequality: What Went Wrong, and How Can We Fix It?” His talk can be viewed on page “Presentations”.
- March 7, 2016: Jay Belsky: “Beyond Adversity, Vulnerability and Resilience: Individual Differences in Developmental Plasticity” His talk can be viewed on page “Presentations”.
- May 16, 2016: Rodrigo Pinto: “Learning from non-compliance: the case of Moving to Opportunity”.
- Jan 9-10, 2015: 4th Annual Advisory Board Meeting in Laguna Beach, CA.
- Feb 23, 2015: Greg Duncan: Fadeout in Human Capital Interventions: Death, Miracles, and Resurrection. His talk can be viewed on page “Presentations”.
- March 30, 2015: Paul Hanselman: Cumulative Exposure to (In)effective Teachers: Descriptive Trends and Estimated Impacts
- May 5, 2015: Meredith Phillips: The Effects of a “Virtual” College Access Program Designed to Help Socioeconomically-Disadvantaged Students with the College Application Process
- May 11, 2015: Damon Clark: The Return to Schooling among High School Dropouts: Evidence from Britain’s Compulsory Schooling Changes
- May 18, 2015: Eric Hanushek: General Education, Vocational Education, and Labor-Market Outcomes over the Life-Cycle. His talk can be viewed on page “Presentations”.
- June 1, 2015: Daniel Bolt: Vertical scales and the score deceleration problem in measuring student growth. His talk can be viewed on page “Presentations”.
- October 5, 2015: Dylan Conger: The Effect of Tuition Increases on Undocumented College Students’ Attainment. Her talk can be viewed on page “Presentations”.
- Feb 6-7, 2014: 3rd Annual Advisory Board Meeting in Laguna Beach, CA.
- March 10, 2014: Graduate Student Elizabeth Miller interviewed by KPCC:
April 14, 2014: Advisory Board member Kenneth Dodge, Duke University, presented “The Durham Connects program and heterogeneity of treatment effects.” His talk can be viewed on page “Presentation”.
May 5, 2014: Advisory Board member Douglas Clements, University of Denver, presented “Learning trajectories as a conceptual tool to synthesize work from cognitive science, education, and other fields.” His talk can be viewed on page “Presentations”.
- June 9, 2014: Graduate Student Elizabeth Miller interviewed by
NIH Podcast: Head Start offers boost for kids with least academic stimulation
- Jan 25-26, 2013: 2nd Annual Advisory Board Meeting in Laguna Beach, CA.
- May 6, 2013: Advisory Board member Jeffrey Smith, Professor of Economics, University of Michigan: “Are Program Participants Good Evaluators?”
- May 22, 2013: Flavio Cunha, Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania: “The Production of Human Capital: Endowments, Investments and Fertility”
- Nov 13, 2013: Ana Auger, graduate student, paper presentation and feedback
- Nov 18, 2013: Jade Jenkins, Postdoc Fellow, presented at School of Education Brown Bag: Pathways into kindergarten: Comparing the effectiveness of Head Start and Pre-k using a propensity score-regression discontinuity design
- Jan 31, 2012: Discussion of Conceptual Paper Duncan & Vandell: “Understanding Variation in the Impacts of Human Capital Interventions on Children and Youth”
- Feb 13, 2012: Brown Bag with Advisory Board Member Jacquelynne Eccles: Social Contexts and Development during Adolescence. Followed by group discussions.
- Feb 17-18, 2012: Advisory Board Meeting in Laguna Beach, CA.
- March 15, 2012: Laurence Steinberg, Temple University, presented to UCI community: The Science of Adolescent Brain Development and Public Policy. P01 group discussions followed the seminar.
- March 20, 2012: Project II discussion meeting with John Cawley, Cornell University.
- May 31, 2012: Marianne Bitler/Project III: Experimental Evidence on Distributional Effects of Head Start. Presentation and Group Discussion.
- June 14, 2012: Weilin Li/ Project I: Effects of Hours in Center Care on Low-Income Children’s Developmental Outcomes: An Instrumental Variable Analysis. Presentation and Group Discussion.
- Oct 17, 2012: Advisory Board member Sean Reardon, Professor of Education and Sociology, Stanford University: “Left Behind? The Effect of No Child Left Behind on Academic Achievement Gaps”
- Oct 24, 2012: Discussion of two INID Papers: 1. Duncan: “The relative importance of adolescent skills and behaviors for adult earnings: A cross-national study” and 2. Li: “Effects of Head Start Hours on Cognitive Outcomes: An Instrumental Variable Analysis”.
- Nov 14, 2011: Advisory Board member Robert Crosnoe was the the guest speaker for all UCI researchers involved in this study: “Issues of Fit in Policy Intervention”
- Dec 20, 2011: Elliott Tucker-Drob and Paige Harden, University of Texas at Austin, held a seminar for UCI researchers: “Gene-by-Preschool Interaction on the Development of Early Externalizing Problems”
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